ICD 10 & CPT Codes
What are CPT Codes?
What is a CPT® code? The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®) codes offer doctors and health care professionals a uniform language for coding medical services and procedures to streamline reporting, increase accuracy and efficiency.
What are ICD 10 Codes?
International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) is a system used by physicians to classify and code all diagnoses, symptoms and procedures for claims processing.
What are Diagnostic Codes?
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is the official manual of the American Psychiatric Association. Its purpose is to provide a framework for classifying disorders and defining diagnostic criteria for the disorders listed.
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A Quick Overview of CPT Codes
A & B. Infectious and Parasitic Diseases
C. Neoplasms
D. Neoplasms, Blood, Blood-forming Organs
E. Endocrine, Nutritional, Metabolic
F. Mental and Behavioral Disorders
G. Nervous System
H. Eye and Adnexa, Ear and Mastoid Process
I. Circulatory System
J. Respiratory System
K. Digestive System
L. Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue
M. Musculoskeletal and Connective Tissue
N. Genitourinary System
O. Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Puerperium
P. Certain Conditions Originating in the Perinatal Period
Q. Congenital Malformations, Deformations and Chromosomal Abnormalities
R. Symptoms, Signs and Abnormal Clinical and Lab Findings
S. Injury, Poisoning, Certain Other Consequences of External Causes
T. Injury, Poisoning, Certain Other Consequences of External Causes
U. no codes listed, will be used for emergency code additions
V, W, X, Y. External Causes of Morbidity (homecare will only have to code how patient was hurt; other settings will also code where injury occurred, what activity patient was doing)
Z. Factors Influencing Health Status and Contact with Health Services (similar to current "V-codes")
CPT Code. Description
90791. Initial Eval / First Session
90832. Psychotherapy, 30 minutes (16-37 minutes)
90834. Psychotherapy, 45 minutes (38-52 minutes)
90837. Psychotherapy, 60 minutes (53 minutes and over)
90839. Psychotherapy for crisis, 60 minutes (30-74 minutes)
90840. Psychotherapy for crisis, each additional 30 minutes (16-37 minutes)
90846. Family or couples psychotherapy, without patient present
90847. Family or couples psychotherapy, with patient present
90849. Multiple-family Group Psychotherapy
90853. Group Psychotherapy (not family)
ICD 10 Codes. Description
F43.0. Acute stress disorder
F43.20. Adjustment disorder, Unspecified
F43.22. Adjustment disorder, With anxiety
F43.21 Adjustment disorder, With depressed mood
F43.24. Adjustment disorder, With disturbance of conduct
F43.23. Adjustment disorder, With mixed anxiety and depressed mood
F43.25. Adjustment disorder, With mixed disturbance of emotions and conduct
F98.5. Adult-onset fluency disorder
F40.00. Agoraphobia
F10.121. Alcohol intoxication delirium, With mild use disorder
F10.221. Alcohol intoxication delirium, With moderate or severe use disorder
F10.921. . Alcohol intoxication delirium, Without use disorder
F10.129. Alcohol intoxication, With mild use disorder
F10.229. Alcohol intoxication, With moderate or severe use disorder
F10.929. Alcohol intoxication, Without use disorder
F10.10. Alcohol use disorder, Mild
F10.20. Alcohol use disorder, Moderate
F10.20. Alcohol use disorder, Severe
F10.231. Alcohol withdrawal delirium
F10.232. Alcohol withdrawal, With perceptual disturbances
F10.239. Alcohol withdrawal, Without perceptual disturbances
F10.180. Alcohol-induced anxiety disorder, With mild use disorder
F10.280. Alcohol-induced anxiety disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F10.980. Alcohol-induced anxiety disorder, Without use disorder
F10.14. Alcohol-induced bipolar and related disorder, With mild use disorder
F10.24 Alcohol-induced bipolar and related disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F10.94. Alcohol-induced bipolar and related disorder, Without use disorder
F10.14. Alcohol-induced depressive disorder, With mild use disorder
F10.24. Alcohol-induced depressive disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F10.94. Alcohol-induced depressive disorder, Without use disorder
F10.26. Alcohol-induced major neurocognitive disorder, Amnestic confabulatory type, With moderate or severe use disorder
F10.96. Alcohol-induced major neurocognitive disorder, Amnestic confabulatory type, Without use disorder
F10.27. Alcohol-induced major neurocognitive disorder, Nonamnestic confabulatory type, With moderate or severe use disorder
F10.97. Alcohol-induced major neurocognitive disorder, Nonamnestic confabulatory type, Without use disorder
F10.288 Alcohol-induced mild neurocognitive disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F10.988. Alcohol-induced mild neurocognitive disorder, Without use disorder
F10.159. Alcohol-induced psychotic disorder, With mild use disorder
F10.259. Alcohol-induced psychotic disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F10.959 Alcohol-induced psychotic disorder, Without use disorder
F10.181. Alcohol-induced sexual dysfunction, With mild use disorder
F10.281. Alcohol-induced sexual dysfunction, With moderate or severe use disorder
F10.981 Alcohol-induced sexual dysfunction, Without use disorder
F10.182. Alcohol-induced sleep disorder, With mild use disorder
F10.282. Alcohol-induced sleep disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F10.982. Alcohol-induced sleep disorder, Without use disorder
F15.121. Amphetamine (or other stimulant) intoxication delirium, With mild use disorder
F15.221. Amphetamine (or other stimulant) intoxication delirium, With moderate or severe use disorder
F15.921. Amphetamine (or other stimulant) intoxication delirium, Without use disorder
F15.180. Amphetamine (or other stimulant)-induced anxiety disorder, With mild use disorder
F15.280. Amphetamine (or other stimulant)-induced anxiety disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F15.980. Amphetamine (or other stimulant)-induced anxiety disorder, Without use disorder
F15.14. Amphetamine (or other stimulant)-induced bipolar and related disorder, With mild use disorder
F15.24. Amphetamine (or other stimulant)-induced bipolar and related disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F15.94. Amphetamine (or other stimulant)-induced bipolar and related disorder, Without use disorder
F15.921. Amphetamine (or other stimulant)-induced delirium
Amphetamine (or other stimulant)-induced depressive disorder
F15.14. Amphetamine (or other stimulant)-induced depressive disorder, With mild use disorder
F15.24. Amphetamine (or other stimulant)-induced depressive disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F15.94. Amphetamine (or other stimulant)-induced depressive disorder, Without use disorder
F15.188. Amphetamine (or other stimulant)-induced obsessive-compulsive and related disorder, With mild use disorder
F15.288. Amphetamine (or other stimulant)-induced obsessive-compulsive and related disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F15.988. Amphetamine (or other stimulant)-induced obsessive-compulsive and related disorder, Without use disorder
Amphetamine (or other stimulant)-induced psychotic disorder
F15.159. Amphetamine (or other stimulant)-induced psychotic disorder, With mild use disorder
F15.259. Amphetamine (or other stimulant)-induced psychotic disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F15.959. Amphetamine (or other stimulant)-induced psychotic disorder, Without use disorder
F15.181. Amphetamine (or other stimulant)-induced sexual dysfunction, With mild use disorder
F15.281. Amphetamine (or other stimulant)-induced sexual dysfunction, With moderate or severe use disorder
F15.981. Amphetamine (or other stimulant)-induced sexual dysfunction, Without use disorder
F15.182. Amphetamine (or other stimulant)-induced sleep disorder, With mild use disorder
F15.282. Amphetamine (or other stimulant)-induced sleep disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F15.982. Amphetamine (or other stimulant)-induced sleep disorder, Without use disorder
F15.122. Amphetamine or other stimulant intoxication, With perceptual disturbances, With mild use disorder
F15.222. Amphetamine or other stimulant intoxication, With perceptual disturbances, With moderate or severe use disorder
F15.922. Amphetamine or other stimulant intoxication, With perceptual disturbances, Without use disorder
F15.129. Amphetamine or other stimulant intoxication, Without perceptual disturbances, With mild use disorder
F15.229. Amphetamine or other stimulant intoxication, Without perceptual disturbances, With moderate or severe use disorder
F15.929. Amphetamine or other stimulant intoxication, Without perceptual disturbances, Without use disorder
F15.23. Amphetamine or other stimulant withdrawal
F15.10. Amphetamine-type substance use disorder, Mild
F15.20. Amphetamine-type substance use disorder, Moderate
F15.20. Amphetamine-type substance use disorder, Severe
F50.02. Anorexia nervosa, Binge-eating/purging type
F50.01. Anorexia nervosa, Restricting type
F60.2. Antisocial personality disorder
F06.4. Anxiety disorder due to another medical condition
F90.2. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, Combined presentation
F90.1. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, Predominantly hyperactive/impulsive presentation
F90.0. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, Predominantly inattentive presentation
F84.0. Autism spectrum disorder
F60.6. Avoidant personality disorder
F50.8. Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
F50.8. Binge-eating disorder
F06.33. Bipolar and related disorder due to another medical condition, With manic features
F06.33. Bipolar and related disorder due to another medical condition, With manic- or hypomanic-like episodes
F06.34. Bipolar and related disorder due to another medical condition, With mixed features
F31.76. Bipolar I disorder, Current or most recent episode depressed, In full remission
F31.75. Bipolar I disorder, Current or most recent episode depressed, In partial remission
F31.31. Bipolar I disorder, Current or most recent episode depressed, Mild
F31.32. Bipolar I disorder, Current or most recent episode depressed, Moderate
F31.4. Bipolar I disorder, Current or most recent episode depressed, Severe
F31.9. Bipolar I disorder, Current or most recent episode depressed, Unspecified
F31.5. Bipolar I disorder, Current or most recent episode depressed, With psychotic features
F31.0. Bipolar I disorder, Current or most recent episode hypomanic
F31.74. Bipolar I disorder, Current or most recent episode hypomanic, In full remission
F31.73. Bipolar I disorder, Current or most recent episode hypomanic, In partial remission
F31.9. Bipolar I disorder, Current or most recent episode hypomanic, Unspecified
F31.74. Bipolar I disorder, Current or most recent episode manic, In full remission
F31.73. Bipolar I disorder, Current or most recent episode manic, In partial remission
F31.11. Bipolar I disorder, Current or most recent episode manic, Mild
F31.12. Bipolar I disorder, Current or most recent episode manic, Moderate
F31.13. Bipolar I disorder, Current or most recent episode manic, Severe
F31.9. Bipolar I disorder, Current or most recent episode manic, Unspecified
F31.2. Bipolar I disorder, Current or most recent episode manic, With psychotic features
F31.9. Bipolar I disorder, Current or most recent episode unspecified
F31.81. Bipolar II disorder
F45.22. Body dysmorphic disorder
F60.3. Borderline personality disorder
F23. Brief psychotic disorder
F50.2. . Bulimia nervosa
F15.929. Caffeine intoxication
F15.93. Caffeine withdrawal
F15.180. Caffeine-induced anxiety disorder, With mild use disorder
F15.280. Caffeine-induced anxiety disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F15.980. Caffeine-induced anxiety disorder, Without use disorder
F15.182. Caffeine-induced sleep disorder, With mild use disorder
F15.282. Caffeine-induced sleep disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F15.982. Caffeine-induced sleep disorder, Without use disorder
F12.121. Cannabis intoxication delirium, With mild use disorder
F12.221. Cannabis intoxication delirium, With moderate or severe use disorder
F12.921. Cannabis intoxication delirium, Without use disorder
F12.122. Cannabis intoxication, With perceptual disturbances, With mild use disorder
F12.222. Cannabis intoxication, With perceptual disturbances, With moderate or severe use disorder
F12.922. Cannabis intoxication, With perceptual disturbances, Without use disorder
F12.129. Cannabis intoxication, Without perceptual disturbances, With mild use disorder
F12.229 Cannabis intoxication, Without perceptual disturbances, With moderate or severe use disorder
F12.929. Cannabis intoxication, Without perceptual disturbances, Without use disorder
F12.10. Cannabis use disorder, Mild
F12.20. Cannabis use disorder, Moderate
F12.20. Cannabis use disorder, Severe
F12.288. Cannabis withdrawal
F12.180. Cannabis-induced anxiety disorder, With mild use disorder
F12.280. Cannabis-induced anxiety disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F12.980. Cannabis-induced anxiety disorder, Without use disorder
F12.159. Cannabis-induced psychotic disorder, With mild use disorder
F12.259. Cannabis-induced psychotic disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F12.959. Cannabis-induced psychotic disorder, Without use disorder
F12.188. Cannabis-induced sleep disorder, With mild use disorder
F12.288. Cannabis-induced sleep disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F12.988. Cannabis-induced sleep disorder, Without use disorder
F06.1. Catatonia associated with another mental disorder (catatonia specifier)
F06.1. Catatonic disorder due to another medical condition
F80.81. Childhood-onset fluency disorder (stuttering)
G47.22. Circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorders, Advanced sleep phase type
G47.21. Circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorders, Delayed sleep phase type
G47.23. Circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorders, Irregular sleep-wake type
G47.24. Circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorders, Non-24-hour sleep-wake type
G47.26. Circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorders, Shift work type
G47.20. Circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorders, Unspecified type
F14.121. Cocaine intoxication delirium, With mild use disorder
F14.221. Cocaine intoxication delirium, With moderate or severe use disorder
F14.921. Cocaine intoxication delirium, Without use disorder
Cocaine intoxication, With perceptual disturbances
F14.122. Cocaine intoxication, With perceptual disturbances, With mild use disorder
F14.222 Cocaine intoxication, With perceptual disturbances, With moderate or severe use disorder
F14.922. Cocaine intoxication, With perceptual disturbances, Without use disorder
Cocaine intoxication, Without perceptual disturbances
F14.129. Cocaine intoxication, Without perceptual disturbances, With mild use disorder
F14.229. Cocaine intoxication, Without perceptual disturbances, With moderate or severe use disorder
F14.929. Cocaine intoxication, Without perceptual disturbances, Without use disorder
Cocaine use disorder
F14.10. Cocaine use disorder, Mild
F14.20. Cocaine use disorder, Moderate
F14.20. Cocaine use disorder, Severe
F14.23. Cocaine withdrawal
F14.180. Cocaine-induced anxiety disorder, With mild use disorder
F14.280. Cocaine-induced anxiety disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F14.980. Cocaine-induced anxiety disorder, Without use disorder
F14.14. Cocaine-induced bipolar and related disorder, With mild use disorder
F14.24. Cocaine-induced bipolar and related disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F14.94. Cocaine-induced bipolar and related disorder, Without use disorder
F14.14. Cocaine-induced depressive disorder, With mild use disorder
F14.24. Cocaine-induced depressive disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F14.94. Cocaine-induced depressive disorder, Without use disorder
F14.188. Cocaine-induced obsessive-compulsive and related disorder, With mild use disorder
F14.288. Cocaine-induced obsessive-compulsive and related disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F14.988. Cocaine-induced obsessive-compulsive and related disorder, Without use disorder
Cocaine-induced psychotic disorder
F14.159. Cocaine-induced psychotic disorder, With mild use disorder
F14.259. Cocaine-induced psychotic disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F14.959. Cocaine-induced psychotic disorder, Without use disorder
F14.181. Cocaine-induced sexual dysfunction, With mild use disorder
F14.281. Cocaine-induced sexual dysfunction, With moderate or severe use disorder
F14.981. Cocaine-induced sexual dysfunction, Without use disorder
F14.182. Cocaine-induced sleep disorder, With mild use disorder
F14.282. Cocaine-induced sleep disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F14.982. Cocaine-induced sleep disorder, Without use disorder
F91.2. Conduct disorder, Adolescent-onset type
F91.1. Conduct disorder, Childhood-onset type
F91.9. Conduct disorder, Unspecified onset
F44.4. Conversion disorder (functional neurological symptom disorder), With abnormal movement
F44.6. Conversion disorder (functional neurological symptom disorder), With anesthesia or sensory loss
F44.5. Conversion disorder (functional neurological symptom disorder), With attacks or seizures
F44.7. Conversion disorder (functional neurological symptom disorder), With mixed symptoms
F44.6. Conversion disorder (functional neurological symptom disorder), With special sensory symptoms
F44.4. Conversion disorder (functional neurological symptom disorder), With speech symptoms
F44.4. Conversion disorder (functional neurological symptom disorder), With swallowing symptoms
F44.4Conversion disorder (functional neurological symptom disorder), With weakness/paralysis
F34.0. Cyclothymic disorder
F52.32. Delayed ejaculation
F05. Delirium due to another medical condition
F05. Delirium due to multiple etiologies
F22. Delusional disorder
F60.7. Dependent personality disorder
F48.1. Depersonalization/derealization disorder
F06.31. Depressive disorder due to another medical condition, With depressive features
F06.32. Depressive disorder due to another medical condition, With major depressive-like episode
F06.34. Depressive disorder due to another medical condition, With mixed features
F82. Developmental coordination disorder
F94.2. Disinhibited social engagement disorder
F34.8. Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder
F44.0. Dissociative amnesia
F44.1. Dissociative amnesia, with dissociative fugue
F44.81. Dissociative identity disorder
F98.1. Encopresis
F98.0. Enuresis
F52.21. Erectile disorder
F65.2. Exhibitionistic disorder
F68.10. Factitious disorder
F52.31. Female orgasmic disorder
F52.22. Female sexual interest/arousal disorder
F65.0. Fetishistic disorder
F65.81. Frotteuristic disorder
F63.0. Gambling disorder
F64.1. Gender dysphoria in adolescents and adults
F64.2. Gender dysphoria in children
F41.1. Generalized anxiety disorder
F52.6. . Genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder
F88. Global developmental delay
F16.983. Hallucinogen persisting perception disorder
F60.4. Histrionic personality disorder
F42. Hoarding disorder
F45.21. Illness anxiety disorder
F18.121. Inhalant intoxication delirium, With mild use disorder
F18.221. Inhalant intoxication delirium, With moderate or severe use disorder
F18.921. Inhalant intoxication delirium, Without use disorder
F18.129. Inhalant intoxication, With mild use disorder
F18.229. Inhalant intoxication, With moderate or severe use disorder
F18.929. Inhalant intoxication, Without use disorder
F18.10. Inhalant use disorder, Mild
F18.20 Inhalant use disorder, Moderate
F18.20. Inhalant use disorder, Severe
F18.180. Inhalant-induced anxiety disorder, With mild use disorder
F18.280. Inhalant-induced anxiety disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F18.980. Inhalant-induced anxiety disorder, Without use disorder
F18.14. Inhalant-induced depressive disorder, With mild use disorder
F18.24. Inhalant-induced depressive disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F18.94. Inhalant-induced depressive disorder, Without use disorder
F18.17. Inhalant-induced major neurocognitive disorder, With mild use disorder
F18.27. Inhalant-induced major neurocognitive disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F18.97. Inhalant-induced major neurocognitive disorder, Without use disorder
F18.188. Inhalant-induced mild neurocognitive disorder, With mild use disorder
F18.288. Inhalant-induced mild neurocognitive disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F18.988. Inhalant-induced mild neurocognitive disorder, Without use disorder
F18.159. Inhalant-induced psychotic disorder, With mild use disorder
F18.259. Inhalant-induced psychotic disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F18.959. Inhalant-induced psychotic disorder, Without use disorder
F70. Intellectual disability (intellectual developmental disorder), Mild
F71. Intellectual disability (intellectual developmental disorder), Moderate
F73. Intellectual disability (intellectual developmental disorder), Profound
F72. Intellectual disability (intellectual developmental disorder), Severe
F63.81. Intermittent explosive disorder
F63.2. Kleptomania
F33.42. Major depressive disorder, Recurrent episode, In full remission
F33.41. Major depressive disorder, Recurrent episode, In partial remission
F33.0. Major depressive disorder, Recurrent episode, Mild
F33.1. Major depressive disorder, Recurrent episode, Moderate
F33.2. Major depressive disorder, Recurrent episode, Severe
F33.9. Major depressive disorder, Recurrent episode, Unspecified
F33.3. Major depressive disorder, Recurrent episode, With psychotic features
F32.5. Major depressive disorder, Single episode, In full remission
F32.4. Major depressive disorder, Single episode, In partial remission
F32.0. Major depressive disorder, Single episode, Mild
F32.1. Major depressive disorder, Single episode, Moderate
F32.2. Major depressive disorder, Single episode, Severe
F32.9. Major depressive disorder, Single episode, Unspecified
F32.3. Major depressive disorder, Single episode, With psychotic features
F02.81. Frontotemporal disease +] Major frontotemporal neurocognitive disorder, Probable, With behavioral disturbance
F02.80. Frontotemporal disease +] Major frontotemporal neurocognitive disorder, Probable, Without behavioral disturbance
F02.81. Alzheimer’s disease +]Major neurocognitive disorder due to Alzheimer’s disease, Probable, With behavioral disturbance
F02.80. Alzheimer’s disease Major neurocognitive disorder due to Alzheimer’s disease, Probable, Without behavioral disturbance
F02.81. Major neurocognitive disorder due to another medical condition, With behavioral disturbance
F02.80. Major neurocognitive disorder due to another medical condition, Without behavioral disturbance
F02.81. HIV infection Major neurocognitive disorder due to HIV infection, With behavioral disturbance
F02.80. HIV infection Major neurocognitive disorder due to HIV infection, Without behavioral disturbance
F02.81. Huntington’s disease Major neurocognitive disorder due to Huntington’s disease, With behavioral disturbance
F02.80. Huntington’s disease Major neurocognitive disorder due to Huntington’s disease, Without behavioral disturbance
F02.81. Major neurocognitive disorder due to multiple etiologies, With behavioral disturbance
F02.80. Major neurocognitive disorder due to multiple etiologies, Without behavioral disturbance
F02.81. Parkinson’s disease Major neurocognitive disorder due to Parkinson’s disease, Probable, With behavioral disturbance
F02.80. Parkinson’s disease Major neurocognitive disorder due to Parkinson’s disease, Probable, Without behavioral disturbance
F52.0. . Male hypoactive sexual desire disorder
F60.81. Narcissistic personality disorder
F51.5Nightmare disorder
F51.4. Non-rapid eye movement sleep arousal disorders, Sleep terror type
F51.3. Non-rapid eye movement sleep arousal disorders, Sleepwalking type
F06.8. Obsessive-compulsive and related disorder due to another medical condition
F42. Obsessive-compulsive disorder
F60.5. Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
F11.121. Opioid intoxication delirium, With mild use disorder
F11.221. Opioid intoxication delirium, With moderate or severe use disorder
F11.921. Opioid intoxication delirium, Without use disorder
F11.122. Opioid intoxication, With perceptual disturbances, With mild use disorder
F11.222. Opioid intoxication, With perceptual disturbances, With moderate or severe use disorder
F11.922. Opioid intoxication, With perceptual disturbances, Without use disorder
F11.129. Opioid intoxication, Without perceptual disturbances, With mild use disorder
F11.229. Opioid intoxication, Without perceptual disturbances, With moderate or severe use disorder
F11.929. Opioid intoxication, Without perceptual disturbances, Without use disorder
Opioid use disorder
F11.10 Opioid use disorder, Mild
F11.20. Opioid use disorder, Moderate
F11.20. Opioid use disorder, Severe
F11.23. Opioid withdrawal
F11.23. Opioid withdrawal delirium
F11.188. Opioid-induced anxiety disorder, With mild use disorder
F11.288. Opioid-induced anxiety disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F11.988. Opioid-induced anxiety disorder, Without use disorder
F11.921. Opioid-induced delirium
F11.14. Opioid-induced depressive disorder, With mild use disorder
F11.24. Opioid-induced depressive disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F11.94. Opioid-induced depressive disorder, Without use disorder
F11.181 Opioid-induced sexual dysfunction, With mild use disorder
F11.281 Opioid-induced sexual dysfunction, With moderate or severe use disorder
F11.981 Opioid-induced sexual dysfunction, Without use disorder
F11.182 Opioid-induced sleep disorder, With mild use disorder
F11.282 Opioid-induced sleep disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F11.982 Opioid-induced sleep disorder, Without use disorder
F91.3 Oppositional defiant disorder
F19.121Other (or unknown) substance intoxication delirium, With mild use disorder
F19.221Other (or unknown) substance intoxication delirium, With moderate or severe use disorder
F19.921Other (or unknown) substance intoxication delirium, Without use disorder
F19.129Other (or unknown) substance intoxication, With mild use disorder
F19.229Other (or unknown) substance intoxication, With moderate or severe use disorder
F19.929Other (or unknown) substance intoxication, Without use disorder
F19.10Other (or unknown) substance use disorder, Mild
F19.20Other (or unknown) substance use disorder, Moderate
F19.20Other (or unknown) substance use disorder, Severe
F19.239Other (or unknown) substance withdrawal
F19.231Other (or unknown) substance withdrawal delirium
F19.180Other (or unknown) substance-induced anxiety disorder, With mild use disorder
F19.280Other (or unknown) substance-induced anxiety disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F19.980Other (or unknown) substance-induced anxiety disorder, Without use disorder
F19.14Other (or unknown) substance-induced bipolar and related disorder, With mild use disorder
F19.24Other (or unknown) substance-induced bipolar and related disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F19.94Other (or unknown) substance-induced bipolar and related disorder, Without use disorder
F19.921Other (or unknown) substance-induced delirium
F19.14Other (or unknown) substance-induced depressive disorder, With mild use disorder
F19.24Other (or unknown) substance-induced depressive disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F19.94Other (or unknown) substance-induced depressive disorder, Without use disorder
F19.17Other (or unknown) substance-induced major neurocognitive disorder, With mild use disorder
F19.27Other (or unknown) substance-induced major neurocognitive disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F19.97Other (or unknown) substance-induced major neurocognitive disorder, Without use disorder
F19.188Other (or unknown) substance-induced mild neurocognitive disorder, With mild use disorder
F19.288Other (or unknown) substance-induced mild neurocognitive disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F19.988Other (or unknown) substance-induced mild neurocognitive disorder, Without use disorder
F19.188Other (or unknown) substance-induced obsessive-compulsive and related disorder, With mild use disorder
F19.288Other (or unknown) substance-induced obsessive-compulsive and related disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F19.988Other (or unknown) substance-induced obsessive-compulsive and related disorder, Without use disorder
F19.159Other (or unknown) substance-induced psychotic disorder, With mild use disorder
F19.259Other (or unknown) substance-induced psychotic disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F19.959Other (or unknown) substance-induced psychotic disorder, Without use disorder
F19.181Other (or unknown) substance-induced sexual dysfunction, With mild use disorder
F19.281Other (or unknown) substance-induced sexual dysfunction, With moderate or severe use disorder
F19.981Other (or unknown) substance-induced sexual dysfunction, Without use disorder
F19.182Other (or unknown) substance-induced sleep disorder, With mild use disorder
F19.282Other (or unknown) substance-induced sleep disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F19.982Other (or unknown) substance-induced sleep disorder, Without use disorder
F16.121Other hallucinogen intoxication delirium, With mild use disorder
F16.221Other hallucinogen intoxication delirium, With moderate or severe use disorder
F16.921Other hallucinogen intoxication delirium, Without use disorder
F16.129Other hallucinogen intoxication, With mild use disorder
F16.229Other hallucinogen intoxication, With moderate or severe use disorder
F16.929Other hallucinogen intoxication, Without use disorder
Other hallucinogen use disorder
F16.10Other hallucinogen use disorder, Mild
F16.20Other hallucinogen use disorder, Moderate
F16.20Other hallucinogen use disorder, Severe
Other hallucinogen-induced anxiety disorder
F16.180Other hallucinogen-induced anxiety disorder, With mild use disorder
F16.280Other hallucinogen-induced anxiety disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F16.980Other hallucinogen-induced anxiety disorder, Without use disorder
Other hallucinogen-induced bipolar and related disorder
F16.14Other hallucinogen-induced bipolar and related disorder, With mild use disorder
F16.24Other hallucinogen-induced bipolar and related disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F16.94Other hallucinogen-induced bipolar and related disorder, Without use disorder
Other hallucinogen-induced depressive disorder
F16.14Other hallucinogen-induced depressive disorder, With mild use disorder
F16.24Other hallucinogen-induced depressive disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F16.94Other hallucinogen-induced depressive disorder, Without use disorder
Other hallucinogen-induced psychotic disorder
F16.159Other hallucinogen-induced psychotic disorder, With mild use disorder
F16.259Other hallucinogen-induced psychotic disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F16.959Other hallucinogen-induced psychotic disorder, Without use disorder
G25.79Other medication-induced movement disorder
G21.19Other medication-induced parkinsonism
Other or unspecified stimulant use disorder
F15.10Other or unspecified stimulant use disorder, Mild
F15.20Other or unspecified stimulant use disorder, Moderate
F15.20Other or unspecified stimulant use disorder, Severe
Z91.49Other personal history of psychological trauma
Z91.89Other personal risk factors
Z56.9Other problem related to employment
Z65.8Other problem related to psychosocial circumstances
F41.8Other specified anxiety disorder
F90.8Other specified attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
F31.89Other specified bipolar and related disorder
R41.0Other specified delirium
F32.8Other specified depressive disorder
F91.8Other specified disruptive, impulse-control, and conduct disorder
F44.89Other specified dissociative disorder
F50.8Other specified feeding or eating disorder
F64.8Other specified gender dysphoria
F99Other specified mental disorder
F06.8Other specified mental disorder due to another medical condition
F88Other specified neurodevelopmental disorder
F42Other specified obsessive-compulsive and related disorder
F65.89Other specified paraphilic disorder
F60.89Other specified personality disorder
F28Other specified schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorder
F52.8Other specified sexual dysfunction
F45.8Other specified somatic symptom and related disorder
F95.8Other specified tic disorder
F43.8Other specified trauma- and stressor-related disorder
F41.0Panic disorder
F60.0Paranoid personality disorder
F65.4Pedophilic disorder
F95.1Persistent (chronic) motor or vocal tic disorder
F34.1Persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia)
F07.0Personality change due to another medical condition
Z60.0Phase of life problem
Phencyclidine intoxication
Phencyclidine intoxication delirium
F16.121Phencyclidine intoxication delirium, With mild use disorder
F16.221Phencyclidine intoxication delirium, With moderate or severe use disorder
F16.921Phencyclidine intoxication delirium, Without use disorder
F16.129Phencyclidine intoxication, With mild use disorder
F16.229Phencyclidine intoxication, With moderate or severe use disorder
F16.929Phencyclidine intoxication, Without use disorder
F16.10Phencyclidine use disorder, Mild
F16.20Phencyclidine use disorder, Moderate
F16.20Phencyclidine use disorder, Severe
F16.180Phencyclidine-induced anxiety disorder, With mild use disorder
F16.280Phencyclidine-induced anxiety disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F16.980Phencyclidine-induced anxiety disorder, Without use disorder
F16.14Phencyclidine-induced bipolar and related disorder, With mild use disorder
F16.24Phencyclidine-induced bipolar and related disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F16.94Phencyclidine-induced bipolar and related disorder, Without use disorder
F16.14Phencyclidine-induced depressive disorder, With mild use disorder
F16.24Phencyclidine-induced depressive disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F16.94Phencyclidine-induced depressive disorder, Without use disorder
F16.159Phencyclidine-induced psychotic disorder, With mild use disorder
F16.259Phencyclidine-induced psychotic disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F16.959Phencyclidine-induced psychotic disorder, Without use disorder
F50.8Pica, In adults
F98.3Pica, In children
F43.10Posttraumatic stress disorder
F52.4Premature (early) ejaculation
F95.0Provisional tic disorder
F54Psychological factors affecting other medical conditions
Psychotic disorder due to another medical condition
F06.2Psychotic disorder due to another medical condition, With delusions
F06.0Psychotic disorder due to another medical condition, With hallucinations
F94.1Reactive attachment disorder
F98.21Rumination disorder
F25.0Schizoaffective disorder, Bipolar type
F25.1Schizoaffective disorder, Depressive type
F60.1Schizoid personality disorder
F20.81Schizophreniform disorder
F21Schizotypal personality disorder
F13.121Sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic intoxication delirium, With mild use disorder
F13.221Sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic intoxication delirium, With moderate or severe use disorder
F13.921Sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic intoxication delirium, Without use disorder
F13.129Sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic intoxication, With mild use disorder
F13.229Sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic intoxication, With moderate or severe use disorder
F13.929Sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic intoxication, Without use disorder
F13.10Sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic use disorder, Mild
F13.20Sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic use disorder, Moderate
F13.20Sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic use disorder, Severe
F13.231Sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic withdrawal delirium
F13.232Sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic withdrawal, With perceptual disturbances
F13.239Sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic withdrawal, Without perceptual disturbances
F13.180Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-induced anxiety disorder, With mild use disorder
F13.280Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-induced anxiety disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F13.980Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-induced anxiety disorder, Without use disorder
F13.14Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-induced bipolar and related disorder, With mild use disorder
F13.24Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-induced bipolar and related disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F13.94Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-induced bipolar and related disorder, Without use disorder
F13.921Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-induced delirium
F13.14Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-induced depressive disorder, With mild use disorder
F13.24Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-induced depressive disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F13.94Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-induced depressive disorder, Without use disorder
F13.27Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-induced major neurocognitive disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F13.97Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-induced major neurocognitive disorder, Without use disorder
F13.288Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-induced mild neurocognitive disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F13.988Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-induced mild neurocognitive disorder, Without use disorder
F13.159Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-induced psychotic disorder, With mild use disorder
F13.259Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-induced psychotic disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F13.959Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-induced psychotic disorder, Without use disorder
F13.181Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-induced sexual dysfunction, With mild use disorder
F13.281Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-induced sexual dysfunction, With moderate or severe use disorder
F13.981Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-induced sexual dysfunction, Without use disorder
F13.182Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-induced sleep disorder, With mild use disorder
F13.282Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-induced sleep disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F13.982Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-induced sleep disorder, Without use disorder
F94.0Selective mutism
F93.0Separation anxiety disorder
F65.51Sexual masochism disorder
F65.52Sexual sadism disorder
F80.89Social (pragmatic) communication disorder
F40.10Social anxiety disorder (social phobia)
F45.1Somatic symptom disorder
F81.2Specific learning disorder, With impairment in mathematics
F81.0Specific learning disorder, With impairment in reading
F81.81Specific learning disorder, With impairment in written expression
Specific phobia
F40.218Specific phobia, Animal
F40.230Specific phobia, Fear of blood
F40.231Specific phobia, Fear of injections and transfusions
F40.233Specific phobia, Fear of injury
F40.232Specific phobia, Fear of other medical care
F40.228Specific phobia, Natural environment
F40.298Specific phobia, Other
F40.248Specific phobia, Situational
F80.0Speech sound disorder
F17.200Tobacco use disorder, Moderate
F17.200Tobacco use disorder, Severe
F17.203Tobacco withdrawal
Tobacco-induced sleep disorder
F17.208Tobacco-induced sleep disorder, With moderate or severe use disorder
F95.2Tourette’s disorder
F65.1Transvestic disorder
F63.3Trichotillomania (hair-pulling disorder)
Z75.3Unavailability or inaccessibility of health care facilities
Z75.4Unavailability or inaccessibility of other helping agencies
Z63.4Uncomplicated bereavement
F10.99Unspecified alcohol-related disorder
F15.99Unspecified amphetamine or other stimulant-related disorder
F41.9Unspecified anxiety disorder
F90.9Unspecified attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
F31.9Unspecified bipolar and related disorder
F15.99Unspecified caffeine-related disorder
F12.99Unspecified cannabis-related disorder
[R29.818 +] F06.1[Other symptoms involving nervous and musculoskeletal systems +] Unspecified catatonia
F14.99Unspecified cocaine-related disorder
F80.9Unspecified communication disorder
R41.0Unspecified delirium
F32.9Unspecified depressive disorder
F91.9Unspecified disruptive, impulse-control, and conduct disorder
F44.9Unspecified dissociative disorder
F50.9Unspecified feeding or eating disorder
F64.9Unspecified gender dysphoria
F16.99Unspecified hallucinogen-related disorder
F18.99Unspecified inhalant-related disorder
F79Unspecified intellectual disability (intellectual developmental disorder)
F99Unspecified mental disorder
F09Unspecified mental disorder due to another medical condition
F89Unspecified neurodevelopmental disorder
F42Unspecified obsessive-compulsive and related disorder
F11.99Unspecified opioid-related disorder
F19.99Unspecified other (or unknown) substance-related disorder
F65.9Unspecified paraphilic disorder
F60.9Unspecified personality disorder
F16.99Unspecified phencyclidine-related disorder
F29Unspecified schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorder
F13.99Unspecified sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-related disorder
F52.9Unspecified sexual dysfunction
F45.9Unspecified somatic symptom and related disorder
F95.9Unspecified tic disorder
F17.209Unspecified tobacco-related disorder
F43.9Unspecified trauma- and stressor-related disorder
F65.3Voyeuristic disorder
while therapists will use the DSM-5 codes for diagnostic and treatment purposes, ICD-10 codes are used for reimbursement:
Z codes (Z00–Z99) are diagnosis codes used for situations where patients don't have a known disorder. Z codes represent reasons for encounters. A corresponding procedure code must accompany a Z code if a procedure is performed.
DSM-IV codes are the classification found in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition, Text Revision, also known as DSM-IV-TR, a manual published by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) that includes almost all currently recognized mental health disorders.
Nervous system diagnosis codes are assigned from chapter 6 of ICD-10-CM, "Diseases of the Nervous System." This chapter includes categories G00–G99, which are arranged into the following blocks:
ICD 10 Codes
International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes are a set of designations used by healthcare staff to communicate diseases, symptoms, abnormal findings, and other elements of a patient's diagnosis in a way that is universally accepted by those in the medical and insurance fields. The tenth and most recent edition is known as ICD-10.
CPT Codes
CPT stands for Current Procedural Terminology, so CPT codes are a universal coding language medical professionals use to identify specific medical services. Each CPT code refers to a unique service or procedure, ensuring providers and insurers have an accurate common language in which to communicate what services have been performed and how they will be paid.